Are we loyal children of God?
Present century human beings are in the cross roads; groping in darkness not knowing
himself, his roles and purpose of life. He is confused and thus he is seeking the meaning
of life and fulfillment with worldly pleasures or with the help of many gurus, training
programmes, group interactions, cults, so called spiritual practices etc., He lost focus,
and goal in life.
He does not realize ‘’who am I ?’’ and the unique position he enjoys in the universe,
richness of opportunities in life and the deep urge inside him to live a happy and
flowering life.
In the cosmic realm, vastness of the cosmos is infinite and beyond comprehension of
human intellect. Physicists have discovered that the basic feature of cosmos is multi-
verse (many universes) not universes. There are many galaxies and billions of solar
systems, stars, planets and space bodies in the cosmos. Earth is situated in the Milky
Way galaxy. Diameter of our galaxy is about 100,000 light years. Number of stars is in
the range of 200–400 billion. Our neighbor one is The Andromeda Galaxy approximately
2.5 million light-years from earth. This galaxy has about 1 trillion stars in it. However,
there is no evidence so far about life forms existing in any of the planets in space. In the
whole cosmos Earth is uniquely created to support life forms. For example, carbon is
essential to support life forms. Carbon is produced by cooking many elements inside the
stars, then it is scattered in the universe by way of supernova explosion and condensed
as planets in a solar system. Stars are God’s furnaces to create new planets in the
universe. It takes about 10 billion years for this process.
Physicists date the age of the earth as 13.7 billion years. Beautiful earth is created
through this long process and presented to human beings by the cosmic architect. It is
astonishing to note that earth is created, placed and set in motion and taken care of by
the cosmic architect with infinite number of miraculous combinations and arrangements
so that life system is supported. Orbits of the planets are either circles or ellipses.
(Ellipses are squashed circles wide along one axis and narrower along another) Degrees
to which an ellipse squashed is by eccentricity measured in the range 0 to 1 and shows
how near an ellipse to a circle. Earth’s orbit with 2% eccentricity is near circular which
helps to have a habitable weather system on earth. A minor variation in the eccentricity
of earth would have boiled or frozen oceans in different seasons. Mercury having 20%
eccentricity has temperature variation of about 200 degree F. Physicists call the
habitable zone in the universe as “Goldilocks zone” where planets can have liquid water
to support life systems and in vast solar system there is only a tiny strip of habitable
zone wherein earth is placed. If we refer to the Sun-there are many stars 100 times
bigger in mass or 100 times less in mass compared to the Sun in the universe. If the sun
was few percentages more or less in mass would have made earth uninhabitable.
After a long journey, science is coming to the conclusion of unification of all forces and
energy fields i.e., all these fields arise from a primary field, pointing towards one source
all, the cosmic architect.
Having seen the delicate and miraculous manner the earth is positioned with precision in
the solar system in the universe, Newton said the universe was “created by God at first
and conserved by him to this day in the same state and condition”. Abstract intelligence
at work can be experienced in the remote control monitoring of cosmos as well as, at the
microscopic level, at the level of an atom or DNA from one Source-still human intellect
has limitations to unravel all the mysteries of even an atom. Compared to the long
gestation period of planet earth, human beings have only too short history. Homo
sapiens believed to have originated only 2 lakh years ago. Language of writing started to
be used only 7000 years back.
When we look back to the history of the human race, on the one hand we can see the
so-called developments in science, technology, amenities of life, infrastructure etc., etc.
But these developments are eclipsed by the history of misuse of developments in
science and technology for destructive purposes like making bombs, and weapons and
high tech wars. Also human history is maligned by the miseries, wars, destruction,
tortures and violence caused by men on fellow human beings. It is estimated that more
than 100 million people have been killed by their fellow humans. Politics and religions
are meant for a better living in the world, but genocides perpetrated in history by political
and religious movements are more than natural calamities.
Today due to piling up weapons of mass destruction and increasing levels of conflicts
and violence, the whole earth and humanity are under threat of survival. Collective mind
of the people is driven by fear, greediness and pain .Conflict and misery is order of the
day. Sense of peace, love and joy is eroding very fast from the minds of the people.
There is a ray of hope .Greatest sign of ray of hope is increasing awareness among
human beings about this collective madness. More and more people become aware of
the true path of life in resonance with the frequency of the creator-the spiritual path.
Spiritual awakening is the urgent need of the hour for the conservation of earth as well
as the survival of humanity and to have a meaningful and happy life of human beings-
flowering of each individual- as envisaged by the Creator.
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