It is a medical emergency to transform
Normally people want to avoid change, rather many times resist change.Many even avoid taking medicine for illness unless it is an emergency. We are not aware that we are in a situation of medical emergency to change ortransform our lifestyle and mindset. There is a S.O.S message system when a ship is sinking, seeking emergency help. Weare not aware that we are also in the same situation. We all are all sinking…
Your Pain Is Not A Consequence Of Your Situation
There is a common principle of cause and effect in many branches ofscience/studies. There is a blind belief (unconsciousness) in cause and effect principlein human behavior and interactions. Whenever we are creating negative emotions(pain), we are attributing reason or justification to it. e.g., when one gets angry andshouts at a child when a glass tumbler is broken we believe that we got angry (effect)because of the glass breaking incident (cause) by the child. On almost…
Letting Go Of The Past And Future
We believe that the past and future are inseparable from my normal life and hence worries of the Past and anxieties of the future incidents (pain due to the past and future) are unavoidable and normal. This is unconsciousness. Most of the time we are living with the pastor future, mainly with past worries and pains, and future anxieties. We are fully in the present very rarely. In short we…
We are addicted to pain
We have seen everybody in a certain degree of stress and pain and hence webelieve that stress and mental pain are part and parcel of normal life alwaysand unavoidable and most people in spite of having everything also remain inpain or unhappiness.More than the unconscious state, people take pain as a normal state of mind;to put it bluntly, many people even seek pain!!!You may be taken aback!!!! Is it not? Is it…
Resisting Reality Is Foolishness
If somebody is getting angry while walking in the hot sun and abusing the sun, what will you call him – fool, unconscious, mad??It is foolishness to abuse or get angry with the sun, because it is a fact or reality andresisting or fighting with reality does not make any sense. The negative emotions(anger) will not result in any good, but harm you in many ways (a lot have been…
Are you possessed by an evil spirit?
The title may surprise or confuse you!! But let us examine it with an open mind. As per the Marriam-Webster Dictionary, ‘’possessed’’ means controlled by a usually evilspirit. In order to understand fully what is possession of a person by an evil spirit, better you mayrecall certain movies which depict characters fully possessed by evil spirits. Whenpossessed, one’s thoughts, feelings and behavior will be fully controlled by the evil spirit.The…
What is the Ego Mind?
Ego-mind is the emotional mind or the self-image we have about ourselves andothers. We all have an image of ourselves. Its basic approach is emotionaleither relating to the past or future. Its basic nature is pain, separateness, anda sense of lack. It always drives thoughts, feelings and behaviourcorresponding to our image, perception and belief and will be attached withsome sorts of pain, conflict, and sense of lack in different degrees….
Are we loyal children of God?
Present century human beings are in the cross roads; groping in darkness not knowinghimself, his roles and purpose of life. He is confused and thus he is seeking the meaningof life and fulfillment with worldly pleasures or with the help of many gurus, trainingprogrammes, group interactions, cults, so called spiritual practices etc., He lost focus,and goal in life. He does not realize ‘’who am I ?’’ and the unique position he…
Emerging Spiritual Awareness
According to scientists earth came into existence about 4.5 billion years ago. But humanbeings have only a shorter history. Intelligent human race, Homo sapiens originated inSaharan Africa around 200,000 B.C. Origin of civilized society has still shorter history;written language dates back only to around 7000 B.C; earliest written records of ancientGreece civilization dates back to 9 th century B.C.Human civilization has evolved and developed along with development of different racesand…
We believe that the past and future are inseparable from my normal life andhence worries of the Past and anxieties of the future incidents (pain due to thepast and future) are unavoidable and normal.This is unconsciousness.Most of the time we are living with the pastor future, mainly with past worriesand pains, and future anxieties. We are fully in the present very rarely. Inshort we are in pain always, our whole life. Most of…
What others think syndrome?
We all agree that our goal of life is to be in good health, happiness, peace, andjoy. We do a lot of things to remain happy. Yet, the fact is that most of the timewe remain in a state of unhappiness. If we introspect, we realize that most ofour time is spent worrying about what others think. In other words, ourhappiness is decided by other people. Others have the remote…
Source of Happiness
Scientists Find the True Source of Happiness, New Study Claims A new study by Wataru Sato and his team at Kyoto University in Japan published in therecent journal, Scientific Reports claims to have found the key to happiness, which is anarea in the brain called the Precuneus. The study led by Wataru Sato found out that happy emotions and satisfaction in life lie inhaving more grey matter mass in a region of…
Achieving happiness by raising awareness
We all experience different kinds of mental agonies (mental pain) in daily life; only intensityand extent vary. Therefore, Bhudha said ‘Dhukka’ (misery) is the basic feeling and state ofmind of human beings. We have taken pain (denotes mental pain) as part and parcel of our daily life or part ofnormal life. Many people may be willing to spend any amount of money or any amount ofeffort if they can have life without…
The common belief that pain is due to unfavourable situation is unconsciousness
There is a common principle of cause and effect in many branches ofscience/studies. There is a blind belief (unconsciousness) in cause and effect principlein human behavior and interactions. Whenever we are creating negative emotions(pain), we are attributing reason or justification to it. e.g., when one gets angry andshouts at a child when a glass tumbler is broken we believe that we got angry (effect)because of the glass breaking incident (cause) by the child. On almost all…
We have seen everybody in a certain degree of stress and pain and hence we believe that stress and mental pain are part and parcel of normal life always and unavoidable and most people in spite of having everything also remain in pain or unhappiness. More than the unconscious state, people take pain as a normal state of mind; to put it bluntly, many people even seek pain!!! You may be taken…
We want every moment to go our way
This is a basic characteristic of the ego mind. Where ego is strong, whichneeds conflict and pain has developed a tool in the mind i.e. ‘expectation’. Inthe context of ego nature, expectation is opposite of acceptance. Intensity ofexpectation is directly proportional to the strength or density of ego. Ego mindexpects everything to happen or not to happen in a particular way everymoment. e.g. (1) ‘X’ person with a dense ego…