It is a medical emergency to transform
Normally people want to avoid change, rather many times resist change.
Many even avoid taking medicine for illness unless it is an emergency.
We are not aware that we are in a situation of medical emergency to change or
transform our lifestyle and mindset.
There is a S.O.S message system when a ship is sinking, seeking emergency help. We
are not aware that we are also in the same situation. We all are all sinking ships
requiring S.O.S message to be sent seeking help for transformation.
We need to look closely into the neurological and biological activities taking place in our
body specifically in our brain. It is a situation of medical emergency requiring to call for
an ambulance shortly or sending an S.O.S MESSAGE like in the case of a sinking ship.
Let us have introspection.
Most of us have a feeling that I am not negative in nature (I am ok, you are not ok).
How many thoughts are there in a day? How many are aware of this normally? How
many of us are positive?
Neurologists say, as an average there are about 60000 thoughts one person has in a
day, almost one thought in every one-and-a-half second. Never thought about it so far?
It is estimated that about 90% of the thoughts are negative, involuntary and unwanted-all
fall in the category of negative thoughts.
It is known to everybody that positive thoughts produce positive chemical substances in
the body which is good for health and negative thoughts produce the negative chemical
substances which are harmful to our health.
Let us look at it more closely at the cell level. It is the popular belief that our genes are
controlling our physique. But recent research findings reveal that, rather than genes, the
environment or the culture medium (blood) controls and influences the health of our
cells. Cell’s life is controlled not by its genes but by the physical and energetic
environment, which, in the case of humans, includes our thoughts. Healthy environment
leads to healthy cells and a sick environment leads to sick cells. This leads to the
conclusion that we are powerful creators of our health and the world in which we live.
We are all made up of 50 trillion cells covered in a skin covered culture dish. Research
suggests that our negative and stressful lifestyle has a severe impact on the health of
our bodies. Almost every major illness is linked to chronic stress, and the inhibition of
neuronal growth by stress hormones can lead to various physical and mental illnesses.
For the better understanding of laymen in detail let us refer to a particular positive feeling
of love and negative feeling fear, which are most common ones.
When our mind experiences love it causes the brain to produce neurochemicals such as
dopamine, oxytocin, and growth hormones which lead to the health as well as growth of
cells. Dopamine helps us to feel pleasure and influence our state of wellbeing and
efficiency. The main role of oxytocin is in social bonding, stress regulation and mental
health. When fear is experienced not only it blocks production of bio-chemicals of love, it
causes to the release of stress hormones and inflammatory agents which lead to
stoppage, even death of cells. We have of course learned that the root cause of most of
the illnesses is stress- which is the most common thing in today’s lifestyle. We can
imagine about the alarming consequences in our body when about 90% of our thoughts
and resultant emotions are negative on a daily basis.
Thoughts can directly influence how the physical brain controls the body’s physiology.
Thought ‘energy’ can activate or inhibit the cell’s function of producing proteins .Hence
harnessing the power of our mind and developing a positive mind can be more effective
than many drugs as usually believed to be.
In this context, the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto is relevant. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a
researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of
evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule
experiments featured in the 2004 film, What the Bleep Do We Know? His experiments
demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, such as the
molecular structure of water; given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his
discovery has far reaching implications.
He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud every day when
they passed them by. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had
barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten. There are many recent scientific
studies which show that thoughts and intentions can alter the physical matter. Coming
back to the initial part of the article- now let us think about the neuro-biological dynamics
in our body when about 55000 thoughts per day are negative and its consequence in the
body. Now everybody will agree that it is an emergency situation. But cosmetic efforts
will not help; what requires is a total lifestyle change or transformation which is possible
only through spiritual awakening and development. Once committed, there are various
genuine (very important to make sure) books, gurus, programmers and practices
especially meditation, which can help you.