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Resisting Reality Is Foolishness

If somebody is getting angry while walking in the hot sun and abusing the sun, what will you call him – fool, unconscious, mad??
It is foolishness to abuse or get angry with the sun, because it is a fact or reality and
resisting or fighting with reality does not make any sense.  The negative emotions
(anger) will not result in any good, but harm you in many ways (a lot have been written
about harmful effects of negative emotions/mental pain on body and mind).  A rational
person will think that heat of the sun is a reality, the one and only option is to accept the
reality 100% without judgment and emotional reaction (pain) and whatever precaution or
action to shield from sunlight possible will have to be taken and be happy.
I think everybody will agree this much.  Question arises what happens when similar
situations arise in our own lives.  If you look at it closely, we will realize that all negative
emotions / mental pain are the result of resisting the reality or non acceptance of reality.
As this awareness amounts to paradigm shift from the pattern of what we have been
thinking, we need to ponder, analyze and meditate deeply to become fully aware of it
and effect paradigm shift at the root level.  To put it in an example, if a father is shouting

at a child while breaking a glass or making sound or any such situation, he is emotionally
reacting (creating pain) by opposing or resisting a reality like the mad man did to
sunlight.  This does not mean that one should not respond to such a situation.   One can
do it more effectively without creating pain by rationally responding to the situation- may
be by assertively telling or correcting children .This applies to every situation to which
one is emotionally reacting (creating pain) rather than rationally responding.
To put in a simpler example, what will you call somebody who is getting angry with a
barking dog?  Fool? Mad? It is true also. A man of common sense knows that this is the
basic nature of a dog to bark and getting angry with a dog for barking is nothing but
foolishness. Once the dog barks it is a reality also and the emotional reaction of anger is
expressed after the occurrence of the reality which is nothing but resisting the reality.
Why do not we apply the same analogy or awareness when somebody is emotionally
provoking us or to an unfavorable situation? e.g., when your boss is firing you and you
usually get hurt. The fact is that the boss behaved as per his nature and pain is created
because the reality is not accepted fully, instead the response was emotional reaction.
This may also be a fact that the subordinate had experienced such a hurting experience
in childhood which he is re-living now without being aware of it.
In our daily life most of the pains are created this way, i.e., due to resisting the reality
and lack of awareness and consciousness.  The awareness of higher order described
above and reflection on it when similar situations are experienced will help us to
gradually free from the pattern of creating pain.

So let us be aware that pain is caused basically when resisting the reality, resisting
something happened. Everybody will agree that resisting to reality is unconsciousness or


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